Originally Posted by mirevolver
Socalism is the chokehold on innovation. If you are living under socalism, why should you try to come up new and better things to advance the civilization and better peoples lives when all the money that will be made will go to someone else? Why should you work harder if you won't get extra benefit from it? The extra money you make will just be taken from you and given to those who did not work as hard, a.k.a. "redistributed".
This assumes the only motivation for mankind is money. That's a fundamentally flawed assumption. I wonder what my monetary gain would be from volunteering my time at a homeless shelter. Or spending time with my family, what would be my monetary gain from that? Or taking my grandmother's trash out every week?
What kind of a person will only do something for money?
Socialism doesn't work because people are unwilling to be good and selfless. The flaw in socialism is the flaw in man.