We had AT&T/Cingular for a few years as well. Our service was fine until the network switched over to Cingular. When that happened, we were in the same boat as you. I think we had a call completion rate of about 5%. The most frustrating part about this was right outside our window was a gigantic "Raising the Bar" billboard.
After about 8 months of this and continual runaround from Cingular, we terminated our contract early and switched to another carrier. Cingular sent us a bill for nearly $1,000. Naturally, we flipped out. We called, demanding an explanation. They had the audacity to tell us that not only were they double billing our early termination since we had 2 lines but they were also "prorating" our bills through the end of our contract and charging us for that as well.
Shesus dealt with them and on more than one occasion used some very foul language with their customer service reps after getting the usual non-answers from them. Finally we told them we'd pay for the part of the month we used them and they could stick their early termination fee ($350) and their "prorated" bills up their asses because we weren't going to give them a penny for it. We paid them the $70 we owed them for the month and that was it.
We never heard from them again. Nor did they report any of this to the credit agencies.
While I'm not necessarily telling you to do the same. It seemed to work out o.k. for us.
Why they chose to just let us go is a mystery, but they did.
Good luck with this.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses