I think you've got two separate things mixed up. First the esteem thing: I really don't think women have lower self-esteem than men on average but (1) it manifests itself a little differently in women than men and (2) it's a bigger issue with very attractive women, in my experience. Women who are very beautiful usually get told so from early on, and start measuring themselves with it. Women who achieve a lot by being smart or creative have a more solid ground to stand on because those things are less transient. Beauty doesn't last. And men with low self-esteem don't do things with their body and such. They usually turn inward or become very defensive about stuff.
Second issue, the porn: It's been pretty well established that women are, in general, more aroused by situation stuff and written erotica than by images. Have you ever noticed how many romance novels are consumed by female readers? Those things are written specifically to appeal to the things women are looking for in a love/sex relationship. Consider it porn for women. Men don't generally have much use for it. They want pictures. So they acquire it in huge amounts. Even gay men (there really are lots of pictures of naked guys on the internet, but the majority of it is targeted to men.
The women who pose for those things don't necessarily have low self esteem (though maybe they're more succeptable to that problem per the first issue). A lot of them just don't see anything wrong with it and like the big piles of cash they can make wthout an education.