Originally Posted by willravel
I know a socialist democracy sounds nuts to most people, but I think it's our best bet so far as bringing about real positive change on all fronts. Imagine a world where there is no risk of monopoly. Imagine no more unemployment. Imagine no more $5 an hour minimum wage. Imagine no more multi-billionaires, hogging all the wealth. Most importantly, imagine no more exploitation of workers.
The British Labour Party calls itself a "democratic socialist party." I would say a "socialist democracy" doesn't sound crazy to me. In many ways, Canada can be called socialist. This I think is mainly attributed to the workings of the parliamentary system, which tends to force politicians to appease the interests of various groups, especially when things are balanced in certain ways.
My view of socialism is that it acts as a balancing force to capitalism. One is for the benefit of the working class, the other benefits those who control wealth. In their purest forms, each are more susceptible to human folly. We must strike a balance.