Originally Posted by JinnKai
Staring in general is rude. If you're talking to someone and you continually look up to stare at their forehead, it's extremely distracting and thereby rude.
Staring at the wrong person in the city (like Detroit) is enough to get your ass kicked. You learn quickly to avoid noticing them at all, unless they're directly addressing you.
I doubt, however, that any of the TFP members are the "honk honk show me your tits!" crowd. It's a shame that these cretins ruin it for us all, but that's one fact I have to live with as a man.
I agree. You just don't stare at someone. It's rude and or creepy. When it comes to a girl, and if I think she's pretty or something, I usually glance a little bit, or look for a couple of seconds from a distance. First off, I don't want to seem like a stalker, so I don't keep gawking. And second, it feels wrong to me. Heck, what can I say, I'm a nice guy.
What's messed up though is when I'm zoning out looking in a certain direction where a girl happens to be sitting down, and my head happens to be looking at the place where her boobs are...or something like that. And then they think I'm a pervert. It's extremely rare, but it's happened a couple of times in my life. There were times when I was so bored in high school during class and this certain circumstance occurred. It's along the same lines as me accidentally touching a girl's ass as I brush past and she instantly becomes furious. Yeah I do think women get way too many breaks sometimes, but whatever, that's life.