the beaver trilogy.
just brilliant.
a documentary film-maker meets a guy named larry from beaver utah who is hanging around the parking lot of a local tv station. he really wants to be on tv. he does impersonations or "impersonations" depending on your view of things. among the impersonations is olivia newton john. larry loves olivia. so you travel to beaver and watch a show larry organizes that culminates in olivia. then you watch two remakes of the film, the first starring sean penn, the second starring crispin glover. it is painful and hilarious and quite smart and if you can find this film (it hasnt been released officially on dvd so is only available as either a vhs or via digitla bootleg) watch it. fucking brilliant.
here's a snippet not a spoiler just a snippet of crispin glover impersonating sean penn impersonating larry impersonating olivia newton john:
amateur: hal hartley
i've been on a hal binge of late. this is a smart tight little film featuring the fabulous isabelle huppert. it is a good addition to the long list of amnesia films. the writing is very good, very funny and in the end quite sad. did i mention that isabelle huppert is in this?