Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I'm one of those that doesnt play games....If I wanna fuck somebody....I tell em outright....worst that can happen is that they say no, but I have been lucky enuff that the I was attracted to men that didnt say no lol
I would not turn you down, luv
Originally Posted by ratbastid
I've always had good results from telling them. StellaLuna and I count our relationship as having begun at a very drunken party when I told her--and I quote--"I'd totally do you."
In my case without the drink, but ratbastid, with a direct, quiet confidence, Hey, It could work.
Originally Posted by ngdawg
Bottom line^^
No one ever keeled over and died from hearing "No". But hearing "Yes" could change everything for the better.
No, some aren't that savvy or perceptive. Besides, giving little 'hints' in the hopes they get picked up on is akin to game-playing.
Damnit, more great wisdom
It's always been there, but I needed to be reminded of it....
thank you