Here is the scoring for this round:
Mondak: 5 points for first. +1 for my favorite pic in this round. The girl in front...wow.
bparker805: 4 points for 2nd post.
cybermike: 3 points for 3rd. I was going to take a point off for not explicitly being NSFW but I decided not to.
squeeeb: 2 points for 4th. +1 discretionary point for it being NASCAR related
Redlemon: 1 point for 5th. +1 discretionary point for it being NASCAR related.
New Standings:
Mondak: 11
squeeeb: 10
cybermike: 9
Sticky: 9
bparker805: 4
Redlemon 4
The Faba: 4
JStrider: 2
Hankster: 1
You are up again Mondak!
Sticky The Stickman