Originally Posted by willravel
I'm not suggesting doctors and janitors each make $65k a year. I'm just saying that no one in my country should ever starve. No one in my country should ever have to live on the street. No one in my country should be turned away from a hospital. It's about providing basic needs for everyone. I am friends with many homeless people downtown and I do everything I can to help them.
I agree in theory, but such hardship has been around since the dawn of mankind. Millions of years later and surprise, life can sometimes still be filled with pain and misery. It seems to me though that the best way to address these issues as a governing body is to give one's people - people of vastly differing mindsets and skillsets - the maximum possible amount of freedom, incentive and opportunity to avoid said hardship, to give them the tools and let them take it from there let the chips fall where they may. Communism/socialism deliberately *minimizes* freedom, incentive and opportunity, imo.