By Andrew Gonsalves
I hear a lot of my friends, co-workers and random people on the subway talk about their troubles in life. They complain, fret, struggle, dismiss and lament, but they hardly ever say anything inspirational or admirable. Sure, you figure any friend who turns to you and gives you some advice you can read about on a fortune cookie is not really on the level with you, but the overwhelming (or is it underwhelming?) mode that people are in when they talk with their fellows is that life sucks.
Life doesn't suck. In fact, life is awesome. I guess being an atheist, I'm very grateful to be alive and I never want it to end. I know it will some day and it won't matter anymore, but that's all the more reason to get the most out of it. I want to live better and be a better person. Today I compiled a short list of things that I will remind myself of every day so that I can improve and enjoy. These are inspirational, truthful and honest. I feel cheesey for this all, but hopefully someone will take it to heart.
1) Do what you love, but if you can't do that, at least love doing a good job.
2) Approach tasks as if you are the first and last defense against stupidity in every collaborative process. Chances are, you'll be the only one thinking that far ahead.
3) Other people aren't and shouldn't be interested in HOW things get done. All they are interested in is what happens, how long it takes and how much money it costs. Prepare ALL of your presentations, proposals and suggestions according to this.
4) Rich people don't fuck the little guys. The little guys fuck themselves by thinking that they do.
5) When you work your day job, you're not making yourself rich, you're making someone else rich. How do you fix this? Put your money into things that make you more money, not things that make you happy.
6) You can't win if you're afraid to lose. You just CAN'T. Nobody ever learned to win without losing many times first. Nothing significant is ever achieved without risk.
7) Fear is the root of evil, prejudice, missed opportunities and apprehension. Bravery and acceptance always makes you a better person.
8) If you blame your problem on something or somebody other than yourself, you'll spend a lifetime fixing the wrong things and you'll never get anything solved.
9) Depression is an investment opportunity. When your personal stock is low, it's a good time to prepare for growth.
10) Most people are rarely on the same wavelength as you, and that's a good thing. Learn from the different angle that they approach things. Relish their difference of opinion.
11) 15 years from now, you're going to wonder what the hell possessed you to wear that top you have on.
12) Once you get past the anxiety of a sales pitch, an exclusive offer, or a fashion statement, you'll find that your desire to buy something is not that pressing.
13) Don't depend on lists for wisdom. They're always created by someone who is better at talking than actually doing. Real winners write self-help books.