Originally Posted by shakran
I do agree with you, in more than a sense. But I'd rather prefer that instead of not watching the news, people call/email/write in and tell your local stations why they don't like what they're seeing on the news. Someone's gotta convince the news managers that you guys want real news and not a half hour of bullshit, and that someone is you.
Well, thing is, I don't watch TV at all. So even if I did call in, and they changed the program... I wouldn't notice, because I gave up on TV a long time ago. I converted to radio (NPR/BBC only) and the occasional online-newspaper read (from my hometown), and haven't missed a thing since.
I've got to agree with the following:
Originally Posted by World's King
Most people in this world have no creative drive and need to be spoon fed life. That's where 24 hour news channels and MTV come in. Instead of actually going out and seeing what it's like to get more drunk then Ernest Hemingway on St Patrick's Day, they sit at home and live through the TV... Instead of going to places of interest around the world they sit at home and live through the TV... Instead of learning how to cook and making a meal for their family they sit at home and live through their TV...
Originally Posted by roachboy
but somehow getting information seems not to be a real priority for alot of folk.... watch critically and turn it off often.
I see absolutely no need for TV whatsoever, in this life. There is nothing to be lost from banishing it from your life forever. If you like some shows, okay, download them and watch... there's only a few new ones per season anyway. The only channel I can bear to watch is the Comedy Channel, but even that gets old sometimes. Kind of nice to be here in Iceland, downloading any shows (sans commercials) that we want to watch, without the temptation of cable. TV is a lot less tempting when you only have one publicly-available channel!