Originally Posted by TotalMILF
Jetstream, I never said the children were suffering from neglect or lack of supervision (that's what the older siblings are for!) or anything of that sort, just that they couldn't possibly get enough individual time with their parents due to the family's massive size. That, to me, is incredibly unfair to the kids and very irresponsible of the parents.
Children raised with only one parent often turn out just fine (my husband is a shining example), and there are many children who grow up without parents at all and go on to be well adjusted and productive members of society.
What I am saying is that I don't think it's fair to the children to be so socially isolated and to have to raise each other while receiving minimal face time from the parents themselves. I think large families are great, but only to an extent. When you have so many kids that you have to delegate child-rearing responsibilities to your other children, then you might just have too many damn kids.
The kids aren't going to complain because they just don't know any different. This is how life is, and since they don't seem to have too many ties to life outside of the family, they just don't question it.
Again, this is perhaps your predisposed perception coming into play. 'Negligence' is literally conveyed as an oversight, one which appropriately depicts what is supposed to happen here because the parents cannot fulfill their role rightfully, at least according to you. Considering the facts alone, this is a stable, well-maintained family successful enough to care for itself.
I see no reason to get involved of the affairs that this family maintains or holds because it is truly not my right to do so.
I'll float on.