Each child is in charge of one “jurisdiction," everything from grocery shopping to violin lessons.
With that many children, organization is everything. Each older child has one or two younger “buddies” for whom he or she is responsible. Breakfast is at 8, after which the family “quick-cleans” the house. At 9, home schooling starts, again with the older children helping to tutor the younger ones.
Here's my bitch... the logical school of thought says that once you start having problems keeping track of your kids and such, you stop having kids. Close shop, raise the ones you got to the best of your abilities and live life. Not Mrs. Duggar.
I mean, good gravy...
With so many children, there is a sign-up list in the kitchen for children who feel they need one-on-one time with a parent.
I don't know. I've watched the specials, read the articles and such, and I just feel sorry for these kids. Not because they're parents are lousy--I think they're fine parents as parents go, but because you see the 15-16 year old kids having to get up, get ready, get the younger kids up, get them ready, and then supervise them all the live long day, while Mom manages the managers and Daddy pops in every once in a while for some face time with the camera. I know what I wanted to do at 15-16 years old and "raise a toddler or two" wasn't on the list. Maybe I'm projecting, but it seems like these kids kind of got wrangled into playing surrogates with no hope of ever doing their own thing because to rebel against the status quo is to rebel against Mom and Dad (who the kids love) or, worse yet, their religion.
Seems I've rambled a bit...