Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
How nice for them that they still have time for sex (note...heavy sarcasm)
Their website makes me wanna puke...oooo "daddy bible time" ooooo Daddy can override the schedule whenever he wants....
It says they are both real estate agents.....how does she have time to work since he has laid down the law that she stays home with them?
Their whole website rubs me the wrong way.
What really really bothers me is how they make the kids all look, dress, act the same. The girls are relegated to the must-haves of long hair and dresses reminiscent of "Little House on the Prairie", the boys with their Brylcreem haircuts, the gender roles that are enforced....reminds me of those reports I've seen about those radical Mormon polygamy enclaves. I'd be willing to bet that, during Homeschooling her brood, she teaches them Creationism and poopoos Evolution with a "We know this is wrong, but the state says you have to read about it".
And, for God's sakes, Michelle!! Get a freakin haircut!!!!
Ok...done with that....if she wants to pop out kids like a Pez dispenser, fine...I think they're insane, but I'll still sleep every night.