Originally Posted by Crompsin
3: Strangers make the best roomies. The less you relate, the more business-like you can keep the relationship. Its all about money, isn't it? Yes, it is.
All good points, but this one I thought needed another mention. I know that Frost was using the phrase in an ironic sense, but good fences really do make good neighbors. Not to say that you shouldn't be open, warm, inviting and all that, but everyone needs their Fortress of Solitude, a place where the outside world--even roommates--aren't typically allowed, yes?
I've had roommates most of my adult life, in one form or another, and the three key things that I think are paramount to a successful cohabitation--be it a roommate or spouse--are:
1- straightforward communication
2- incredible flexibility
3- a mutual respect for each other's boundaries
Not to say that there aren't a bajillion more things to a successful jaunt, but I find these are the three most important.
My roommate experience has always been in rental properties, so I can't offer too much advice there. I mean, maybe in order to protect yourself (financially, physically, whatever...) there are extra steps that need to be taken that renters don't really have to deal with too often. I will venture to say that since it's your house (in that you pay the mortgage) then I imagine the roommate search will be that much more easy for you since you literally hold the keys to the kingdom.