It's only too much if you actually pay attention to it.
See, I find better things to occupy my time. Don't get me wrong. I read the paper every day. But I don't also watch the news on TV, read blogs, read more then one paper, actually remember and give a fuck about half of what I read...
Most people in this world have no creative drive and need to be spoon fed life. That's where 24 hour news channels and MTV come in. Instead of actually going out and seeing what it's like to get more drunk then Ernest Hemingway on St Patrick's Day, they sit at home and live through the TV... Instead of going to places of interest around the world they sit at home and live through the TV... Instead of learning how to cook and making a meal for their family they sit at home and live through their TV...
You get the point.
heavy is the head that wears the crown