Originally Posted by ericdubay
The latin translation off the dollar bill (added by 33rd degree free mason FDR) says "announcing the arrival of the New World Order."
You people are so brain-washed to be stubborn cynics that you can't suspend your propagated disbelief long enough to learn.
Yeah, fuck the NWO, brain-washing me to check my own facts and not accept outrageous claims with no proof! Does that mean that I can start posting unsourced quotes bout unrelated events and discover a secret society of my own?
As a point of interest, I did take the time to double-check the one verifiable piece of evidence you did offer (the dollar bill, above). Since I'm not American, I had to find a picture of the dollar bill, but I was able to do so readily.
I also found close-up images of the eagle and the pyramid, to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Unless I am, I'd say your Latin needs a little work.
I found three Latin phrases on the note. They are "novus ordo seclorum", "annuit coeptis" and "E pluribus unum". They translate as follows:
novus - New, fresh, young
ordo - rank, class, order
seclorum - generations, ages
Note that seclorum is plural and does not in any way shape or form mean world or global. This phrase, therefore, would translate roughly to 'new order [of the] ages.' A bit grandiose I'd agree, but it's not the phrase you suggested. So next we have:
annuit - to nod, consent, give assent to / approve, favor.
coeptis - to begin, undertake
So annuit coeptis would translate roughly to '[he/she/it] approves the undertaking.' I would normally assume, given the context, that the subject is God. But could it be (gasp!) the NWO?
Maybe. But this still isn't the phrase we want. The one that's around here somewhere in plain English. Err.. Latin. And that proves it all.The only other phrase on the bill is:
E - from, of
Pluribus - several, many
Unum - single, solitary, one
Which, as I think everybody knows, translates to 'From many, one.'
So that's not it either, which begs the question of where on the one dollar bill does it say 'announcing the arrival of the New World Order?' You know what, I'll even help you look for it if you'd like. The phrase you're looking for is 'indicum advenio novus ordo mundo.' Or something very close to that.