Originally Posted by pan6467
....the Dems have done nothing but try to impeach Bush and his administration. That's all well and good if the economy were in better shape, if people had decent waged jobs and the infrastructure and educational system weren't crumbling.
The Dems are coming off with one track minds "let's get Bush" and not doing a damned thing to help the people.
The Dems had every chance in the world to put out positive, truly helpful legislation and instead they have done nothing but go after Bush...... and then cave to Bush.
They are done.
The Dems are also doing many of the things you raised concerns about in your earlier list of priorities:
You want more education funding....the Dems introduced bills to raise the level of pell grants and lower the interest rate on student loan programs....in addition to the America Competes Act to invest more in R&D and science/math education (link).
You want more money for alternative energy.....yesterday, the Dems passed a bill to shift $16 billion in tax breaks from oil companies to renewable energy. (link)...as wel as passing an energy efficiency and conservation act earlier this year.
You want the US to deal with China on trade and copyright issues....I shared with you a Democratic proposal to Bush from earlier this year and since he hasnt responded, they will introduce their own legislation this fall. (link)
You want Congress to deal with contracting issues and abuses like those of Halliburton....I shared with you the Dem contracting reform bill (link)
You want more open government and accountability....I shared with you the FOIA reform bill and Congressional ethics bill. (open government link...ethics link)
You want a strong defense and a commitment to high priority domestic issues....yesterday the Dems passed a defense approp bill that funds all the important defense programs, but cut Bush's request for wasteful programs (like the white elephant missile defense program) and diverted those $3.5 billion to domestic programs, like infrastructure funding. (link)
These are some of the "positive, truly helpful legislative initiatives" you wanted...and far more than just minimum wage and bitching at Bush as you allege.
Do you think of these concerns of yours would have addressed by a Republican Congress?
They are far from done...and leading in every generic Congressional poll.