This could have been much worse, if the bridge was more heavily populated with cars at the time... but near as I can find (which is difficult) only 6 people lost their lives... 6 in an average of 6500 who die per day in the US.
I'm not saying I have no compassion for these people's deaths or their families- I'm saying that people go overboard with emotion at times, forgetting the other people who die silently and without media attention every day. I care about anyone who has died, but none more than others- and that means not giving special recognition just because it's in a newspaper or TV broadcast.
Just think about the attention this is getting, and how you feel for their loss... then think about someone close to you that you may have lost. Were they less important because their death wasn't a media spectacle?
That's all I'm saying. It's not that they're not important, it's that they're not MORE important than any of the other deaths that occurred that day, and trying to weigh the "importance" or "sadness factor" of one death over another just seems crass to me.