The Bouncing Souls did an awesome cover of Anti Flag's "That's Youth"... in my opinion they did it better and with WAY more feeling than Justin Sane and AF ever did, though seeing both bands on stage singing that song together as one band was one of the best things I've ever seen. Descendents' one song called Hateful Notebook was pretty decent, one of the gems from Everything Sucks. "Scarred by Love" by the nobodys is good also, and it has the lead singer from the Queers doing vocals on it. Rancid's "Hyena" was always one of my favorites, along with "Urban Struggle" by The Vandals. If i can think of any more i'll post, and i'll pick my g/f's brain about the DK's, since she has nearly all of their albums... also, post a track list when youre finished, id be interested in making a comp like this for myself.
Honk if you've never seen an uzi fired from a car window!