Originally Posted by Prince
I don't really appreciate some of the replies that go along the line of "if you want to live here, blah blah blah...". What you need to understand, is that whereas you may have taken it for granted since you turned 18 that you had to deal with this one way or another, I was never made aware of it. So, anyone not registering for SS between 18 and 25 is subject to jail time or quarter of a million dollar fine...that's nice, but they never told me anything about it. And getting through the immigration process requires no small amount of research, take my word for it, and yet this subject never surfaced anywhere.
As a sidenote, I find it curious that some people equate questioning the bureaucracy as somehow un-American. That because I live here now, I am to just stfu and play by the rules, without giving any thought to their validity or asking questions? Similar to the way you are considered unpatriotic if you do not mindlessly support the war. "Don't ask questions, don't question how anything is done". I'm sorry it's taking me time as a European to get accustomed to this line of thinking, I am used to free speech.
It is equally unnecessary to bring up the subject of nations where the military drafts every male as they turn 18, seeing as I am from one of those countries. I was exempt from the draft originally because I was attending something similar to junior college, for a degree which was required there in order to ever attend a university. Later, as they automatically tried to draft me again, I was exempt due to being consistently on Valium and various antidepressants. They didn't want to put a gun in the hand of someone who needed sedatives just to go to a grocery store, I guess.
Okay, I just read your post and felt compelled to go back and reread every single post in this thread. There isn't a single post waving the flag and saying, "if you want to live here, you damned well better do this." All everyone is saying is, if you want the money, you have to play by the rules of the people giving it to you. You don't don't go into a bank and say "screw you, I won't pay you back on your schedule!" They tell you the rules involved with taking their money and everyone who wants that money has to play by those rules. If you don't want to enroll in the SS, then don't, but you know that's what's required to get the loan, and you don't have much of a choice but to go along with it. You can complain, protest, and kick and scream all you want, but if you're able to make a difference, it won't be for quite a while, and by then you could've enlisted, gotten your loan, and been done with school. I'm not standing up or defending that way of doing things, but I'm just laying it out for you in the honest way of how things work. Bureaucracy sucks, and anything involving that bureaucracy is going to suck, it's just the way of things. It's like the application fee you paid to get into the college. Sure, you didn't have to pay it, but that just means you won't be getting in.