Originally Posted by Charlatan
People who buy bottled water by the case (or really at all) are fools... and you know what they say about fools and their money.
I would also take care using Nalgene bottles. The plastic they use to make those hard, transparent plastics leech some very nasty chemicals, including hormones like Estrogen.
You have to put the polycarbonate under extreme stress (typically chemical and heat) for it to start leeching compounds in the polycarbonate, and even then, the amount leeched is very insignificant because the amount of the compound (BPA) is very small, and is not present on the surface of the polycarbonate bottle. If you replace your Nalgene every six months as recommended, there is little to no chance of these compounds leeching into the water held in the bottle. Furthermore, Nalgene also sells HDPE plastic bottles that do not contain the questionable compounds in polycarbonate.
That said, I still use my polycarbonate Nalgene constantly, and will replace it in December, as suggested. The very small risk I take in possibly consuming inconsequential amounts of BPA is worth keeping other plastic water bottles out of landfills.