Originally Posted by pan6467
Is that what we truly want????? How can anyone whether here in this forum or anywhere in this nation live with themselves for not wanting better, for not speaking out and demanding better, for not getting involved and finding better.
I want to be optimistic, I want leaders to have positive plans and fight for the people and want to rebuild America, I don't want to live in fear, hatred, anger anymore..... but the only way to stop the bullshit is to find leaders not afraid to inspire true hope, true plans, and true optimism. The only way to find those type of leaders is to start looking and demanding the press let them be heard.
If we do not do it now, we may never have another chance.
Some of us are of the opinion that things need to get a lot worse before they will get any better. Yes, I said "need to." At this point, the current political power structure is so corrupt at its core, and so entrenched, that it will take very serious measures to truly fix it. Any changes the Dems and Neo-cons try to pass off as progressive will simply be smoke and mirrors to try to conceal the heart of the problem. Case in point: the war in Iraq, national healthcare, "The War on X" where X is any number of pointless distractions.