Originally Posted by dc_dux
I'm in near total agreement with Pan's populist message and standing up and being heard in a positive way.
But I dont believe it can be accomplished by rejecting the Democratic party and building a third party alternative. IMO, the Democratic party is still the best hope for most of the populist programs Pan outlined above in his policy manifesto.
There has never been a successful third party in US politics. Ross Perot's 20% of the popular vote (Perot spent more $$/per vote than any one in history and the result was zero electoral votes) did not broaden the reform movement and Reform Party, just as Nader's 12% in 2000 did little to further the Green Party.
If by some wild set of circumstances, we see a viable third party candidate for President, it would still have little impact on the political enviroment without equally successful third party candidates for Congress. And as great as the public disdain is for Congress, that same public generally has high regard for their own member(s) of Congress.
IMO, reform from within still provides the best opportunity for change.
I think it could be.
If enough people speak out and were to draft say a Ron Paul/ Bill Richardson ticket and they were to pool their resources, agree to finding a middle ground that their followers and the majority could live with, perhaps it would work.
Or what about a John Edwards/ Mitt Romney ticket?
The point is if you find populistic candidates that share more common goals and can be creative and find ways to work together to positively rebuild this nation, go out and press flesh, kiss babies, appear at state fairs, county fairs and just hammer the public appearances as a team that has a positive message and plan. There is no doubt in my mind they would win by landslide.
The problem is finding the right 2 (one from each party) that can bring a following and track record that is strong and getting them to work together. I feel they would split both parties not just of voters but of major names who sign on to support them.