Originally Posted by spectre
It's just a matter of laziness now. They can do that, most just don't. Check out the work on Tool's "10,000 Days" for an example of what creative things can be done with cd's. Occasionally, some cds do include some liner notes, but again, it's just laziness.
I was just about to mention that album. It's all about whether the record company thinks it's worth the money to get creative like that.
On the inside cover of TLC's last album
Fan Mail they printed the the names of everybody that was a member of their official fan club. Not much, but that should count for some measure of creativity.
I'll be the new-tech junkie and express my love for CD's. Scratch a record, it's' ruined. Scratch a CD, you can fix it. An old CD player has never eaten up a disc like a tape deck ate my Eric B. & Rakim album. Old hi-fi's look cool, but i think CD's sound better.