Originally Posted by yournamehere
In any way?
How about because of the fact that if this asswipe didn't decide to steal a truck that day, 4 men would be alive right now?
This is the kind of slippery slopesque reason that concerns me a bit. I call this type of thing chaos. The butterfly flaps it's wings, releasing pollen from a small flower, that pollen falls upon the nose of an elephant which sneezes and causes a stampede. That stampede kicks enough dust to change the weather pattern and a hurricane hits the Eastern seaboard instead of heading back out to sea...
... therefore the butterfly is responsible for $2b in damages? Do we sue the butterfly for negligent homicide for someone who passed away in the hurricane?
No. Just, no. The fault for this collision rests mainly on the shoulders of inattentive pilots. If anyone else, maybe the people who insist on watching sensationalist news, but even that is a stretch.
Let's try another one. Let's say you're a botanist. You have a beautiful garden, but you come across an ant line and start following it. You're paying so much attention to the ants that you fail to notice the fence and you bump your head. Is this the fault of the ants? Absolutely not.