Originally Posted by Karby
heh. big business suckers the general public once again.
seriously though, people, just get a water filter. with this info out, what now is the difference? the brita one works wonders.
i quit with the whole 'pristine bottled water' crap the minute i got one, and that was quite some time ago. because i don't care how you look at it, straight non-filtered DC tap water still tastes like ass.
Right now theres a huge move against bottled water companies against Bottled water itself. Believe it or not, this opposition is not basing itself on the way the water tastes, fairy piss or not
The reason for this move is solely on the amounts of materials and processing involved to bottle, ship, and sell a service that is already in place all over America in the convenience of a bottle. All that work to bring you "tap water" in a bottle when its at the friggin tap to begin with seems silly when you think about all the polutants involved to do so.
The whole idea of marketing and actually having a huge demand now for bottled water is a huge mind fuck to begin with, imho. The water going thru a very simple filtering process, direct from thier main water source, which was always there, costs equalling just pennies, and then shipping it out across the country side in trucks and containers for a huge huge mark up at the stores.. And now, to ice the friggin cake these big fat cat water companies are preyin on the weak again with thier simple marketing tactic to add "tap water source" on thier label, as if its a new feature! All just to help trick thier consumers into thinking, hey, this is enviromentaly friendly water. ha!
The whole thing has nothing to do with taste, just a cheap gimmick to make it look like they care about the environment, when really its the all mighty dollar that runs the show. Nothing new there.