Are stills acceptable, Flow meters?
No, the pump system only gets activated on demand, (activation the next problem) and I would require a live coverage to be able to gauge the condition of the pipe-line/pump performance and integrity. Also the quality of the water would not take long to NFG any sensory equipment like flow-meters. (Calcium depositting) 24 hours coverage is not necessary, though the system must be able to be activated on demand.
The budget problem is not an immediate concern. Putting in a system that can be afforded now will end up costing more to upgrade, The aim is to install a system i invisage when it can be done. So if state of the art art is needed, then thats what is going in; obviously I'll hold back on the gold plating and the brand name, as long as it does the job its meant to do reliably and without too many i's to dot.
The ergonomics of travelling up to the various points and water-lines each day, are appalling, and expensive in time and man-hours, so I don't think it would take too long to pay for itself. And the system MUST be able to be accessed by a remote internet connection.
I have been exposed to a broadband system that connects to your comp: via the net, but it is an anti-crime organization funded by public, and demand; due to lethargy and lack of urgency in my community, it didn't happen. What I'm looking for is for someone to point me in the right direction so I can find out, what is possible, how, with what, and where. There is serious technology out there that I am totally un-aware of, and would like to meet it.
Getting any info reaction from someone in my country is like trying to stuff a marshmellow into a piggy-bank with one finger, behind your back in the dark.I feel like I have an emergency, a phone, phone directory, and am sitting in a dark room. Then again; maybe it's my sunny disposition."SNARK":splat:
Thanks for your participation cyrnel:thumbsup: