A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Crompsin had sex with a girl.
Anyschways... my girlfriend at the time and I had just finished going at it like retarded lemurs. She was still straddling me in bed. We're both all sweat-glossy and panting, doing that post-sex stupid-grin thing.
Previously, I'd two huge aroma therapy candles lit on the bedside table, torched them on before the pants came off... candle light looks particularly good on bouncing jumblies. See, I didn't know these were special candles.
The dialogue was:
"Man, I'm... I'm tired."
"Yah, I dunno... I'm so sleepy."
"Well, I think I..."
Yeah, we were both out cold in less than a minute. The overpowering scent of the super-smelly candles combined with the post-snogging supafeelgood chemicals did us both in... and in record time. Like a tranq dart in a bad TV show. She didn't even get off of me. She totally fell asleep on top of me, our naked bodies in line from shoulders to toes, her head resting in the crook of my jaw.
We woke up four hours later with her face and hair literally laminated to my neck from saliva. She had drooled all over my neck and chest while we were sandwiched together. The pulling sensation of her ungluing her hair from my shoulder was what woke me up.
Good times. One of my favorite memories.
Anybody else have a story like that?