Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
I guess I could understand that review if you watched Evil Dead in a vacuum and don't appreciate how campy, ridiculous and influential it was. Other than that, I think it deserves a better rating if for no other reason than it gave a platform for Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness, which are amazing camp horror films. Also, I'm pretty sure that's the only mainstream movie you can see where a tree rapes a girl, so that's gotta count for something.
When introducing people to the ED movies now I tend to just skip the first and move straight on to ED2 then AoD. The camp value plus the humor of them can draw people in. I LOVE the original Evil Dead but it really is one of those movies that you can't expect alot of people to "get" basically for the reasons you said. It shouldn't be watched in a vacuum.
BTW If you ever get the chance to see Evil Dead: The Musical, do so. It's the most fun I've had at the theater in my life.