Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
Suicide in the CHRISTIAN world is unforgivable...EVEN if it's intent were to end a horrible, painful life.
This is debateable. As a Christian, I believe there is nothing 'unforgivable', for to claim such one would be putting limits on the forgiveness of our Heavenly Father. Alas though, I know that other Christians feel differently, and this is the real crux of the matter. This is why it is not something that should be legislated upon all, but instead it should be a matter of personal choice, which each individual can make in light of their own beliefs.
I understand that one may believe strongly in the evil of sin, and the temptation to wield the government's power of legislation to prevent or deter sin is great indeed. However, I believe the much wiser course is to leave matters of personal believe to individuals, as certainly I would not wish the government telling me that I couldn't do what I believe, merely because some other person believes it is a sin. Personally I believe drinking alcohol is a sin, but I don't agitate for prohibition. I believe smoking is a sin but I limit my legal basis for smoking limits to those necessary to protect others beside the smoker from harmful effects. I can list plenty more, but hopefully the point is clear: I don't think legislating morality is wise, as it is a two-way sword, and frankly also goes against my believe in free will.