As far as the whole 'throwing your vote away' thing, it seems to me to be based on the logic that since the corporate media and political power holders have determined that so-and-so is the legitimate candidate, and therefore the others have no chance, voting for one of the others will mean throwing your vote away. But it would seem to me that if that logic held water, voting for the 'anointed' would be just as much throwing your vote away.
In my opinion you can 'give' your vote away by tactical voting or otherwise voting for someone that isn't your favored candidate, but to 'throw' it away you'd have to not vote, or maybe vote randomly I guess.
In truth, the only way to use your vote and have it represent your will is to vote for the candidate you truly feel is the best one. Whether even then it is respected might be a matter of discussion, but it certainly won't be if it is used other ways or not used at all.