Although this is a little off-topic I find it most interesting that people feel the need to "hide" their porn. Is it to save your SO from being upset over it? Or is it because you are embarrassed about it? Either way it's deceptive and probably not the most healthy expression of sexuality. My wife is well-aware of the porn on my computer. There's not much there anyway ... why waste hard-drive space when it's everywhere on the net?
I don't think I could say anything else other than if it really bothers the original poster that she should talk with her boyfriend about it (which apparently she is doing). As to whether it's right or wrong I can only offer that I don't think it's too abnormal ... but that is MY opinion; you have to find your way to your own opinion on the matter.
Have I found friends of my wife physically attractive? Yep. Have I fantasized about having sex with her friends? You bet. Have I told her about these fantasies? Yes. Does it freak her out? No. Are the roles reversed (ie, she finds some of my my friends attractive)? Yep. Does she fantasize about sex with them? Yep. Has she told me about it? Yep.