Sorry for not responding, i was just amazed that my first post EVER would get such a big response. Thought that if i posted anymore it would just be shit compared to my first but I will have another go then.
I have the video for St Anger so I can say i am able to speak on the subject.
I am very temped to say a very typical response.
"Not as good as their old stuff", which would be true, I feel. But it is unfair of me only to say this.
The question is what do we want from them? The albums up to and including the black albums were of a time and that time has now gone.
Metallica have to change if are to keep together as a band. Some bands may trundle on rehashing similar album after similar album but should we not appreciate that Metallica have saved us from this.
Perhaps some of us out there would prefer if they had split after the Black Album and saved you from this evolution. I for one am just happy that they are still around producing top tunes.
I am going to keep an open mind on the rest of the album but if this 1st single is anything to go buy things are looking, better!
I can't wait to see them in August when they play in Leeds UK. I am such a lucky chap!!