I'm a new member so it won't let me post links but there's plenty on the web if you just type in the key words provided in the original post. Another great resource is my website which is at myspace (/sheeplerevolt). Here's a little blurb about the Bilderberg Group to jumpstart your research
The Bilderberg Group
The Bilderberg Group annualy conduct a super-secret conference, a meeting of about 130 of the most powerful world leaders in business, media and politics.
The club was created by Denis Healey, Joseph Retinger, David Rockefeller and former Nazi SS officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The invitation-only conference was started in 1954 and named for the Dutch hotel where the conference was first held. Those who attend promise not to reveal what was discussed, security is tight, and the press and public are barred. For the small minority of those aware of Bilderberg, the conference has been the subject of outrage and protest for many international world citizens and even religious groups who vehemently object to Bilderberg's disturbing New World Order agenda and influence.
Previous attendees and speakers at the conference have included Democrat and GOP stalwarts alike, such as outgoing World Bank chief Paul Wolfowitz, former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, George H. W. Bush, and Bill and Hilary Clinton, only to name a few.
Last year, it was discovered the conference was held in Ottawa, and the Toronto Star reported that it had been able to obtain an unsigned press release saying that the 2006 group included David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of Holland, New York Gov. George Pataki, media moguls, high-level officials from Spain and Greece, and the heads of Coca-Cola, Credit Suisse and the Royal Bank of Canada.
There is almost a complete Bilderberg blackout in the corporate owned and controlled U.S. media, as most of the powerful CEOs and media moguls are either sympathizers or members of Bilderberg themselves. Only 5 corporations own and control over 90% of the U.S. media, and they do an excellent job of keeping American citizens in the dark concerning the Bilderberg group and their globalist New World Order agenda. That explains why most Americans remain totally unaware that the club even exists.