i'd kill to get MRIs on all of us weird motherfuckers.
i dunno about psychic abilities. i just say:
there's a whole lot of shit that happens that we cannot explain.
i just remembered one connection to me. in dec. '99 til mid -jan 2000 i was in the hosp including ICU for three or so weeks. i kept passing out like sporaticly. no rhyme or reason.
once i passed out and mom was at home asleep. it was a tough one. abou 20 mins later i called mom. couldn't get her........ then she walked in.
said she was asleep when she 'heard' mee. she came imediatly. this-is-just-one-of-many-things-i-experience-very-often.
not like once a year or some what. some of us have really really fucking weird lives. me included.
so to completely say 'there is absolutely nothing to believe in but people and animals on earth', to me, is like say "I know you have the flu but i can't see the germs with my naked eyes, therefore it doesn't exist!!!"
i don't get complete full skeptisism. hell, i'm a skeptic until i check shit out. but i know its quite possible.
random rant