Originally Posted by ngdawg
I think that article, while citing some history, was conjecture.
Jean Harlow
Mae West
Carol Lombard
Marilyn Monroe
Jayne Mansfield
Judy Holiday
Practically every Playmate of the Year since 1953....
Blond, ditzy-acting(but usually pretty shrewd in real life), sexuality-oozing...
Clairol's slogan that has withstood the test of time, "Blonds have more fun", coupled with their second-best known slogan, "If I have one life, let me live it as a blond".
All these, plus commercials that portray blonds as uber-sexy manipulators("take it off, take it ALL off") have permeated the mindset of the consumer masses.
It's really no different with red hair. It's seen as a symbol of intensity, of temper and of some fiery sexuality. In men, it's seen as intelligence and/or nerdiness.
regarding men(I thought you meant women see redheads as 'A'. In men, 'B').
I'll take the former then, to illustrate a point about society's influence on the mainstream mind: