Generally speaking, I'm pretty good with the road rage, though I can get quite irritated by other drivers when I'm running late or feeling frazzled about something else. I've never done anything worse than flip the bird a few times, though, and absolutely never would.
Two things, however, always annoy me:
1. People who get on the highway going like 35mph. You know they're doing it because they're, like, scared of the highway, but they're liable to cause an accident. Whenever I'm behind one I'm always afraid I'll get rear-ended when I merge.
2. Tailgating. There's just no reason for it.
One thing I've noticed - and I wonder if others get the same thing - is that I'm sort of a road-rage-profiler. If see someone driving a Hummer do something moderately dickish, like, say, jump into another lane without signaling, I'll think "asshole thinks he's hot shit in his fucking ridiculous SUV," whereas if a someone in a Camry does the same it'll barely even register.
I live in New York. I'm used to aggressive drivers and, truth be told, probably am one (at least compared to the rest of the U.S.).