WOW.... I have soo many of the same quirks as all of you!
I pull my hair out. I play with it, smooth it, sometimes even chew on it. It has gotten so bad that my hair has this permanent frizzy look to it bc i have all these hairs that are shorter than the others... I pull out the really thick, coarse hairs that are crinkled or whatever you call it. I also have a few minor bald spots in various places due to this. I've heard it's an actual OCD... I can't remember the name for it though.. saw it on the Tyra Banks Show one day...
It's my security blanket. I'm almost ALWAYS playing with my hair and it drives my SO and everyone else I know absolutely crazy.
I crack my knuckles and everything/anything else that will allow me to do so. I crack each of my fingers about three times... i arch my back and twist to crack that... my knees and ankles also crack pretty easily. My toes... and one of my favorites is the inside of my hips... like right by the crotch area, I just stand on one foot and pivot outwards kind of like a dog hiking up his leg to piss. It feels sooo incredibly good. And I get freakishly weird stares everytime. Ahwelll..
My brother and I both used to have a problem tapping... And had to do it evenly. If mom yelled "stop" lets say... and i was tapping and on number 10... because i was below my favorite number (11) i had to tap one more time. Always.. But if i were on number 23..i had to tap to 24 because it's even. Always had to end on an even number unless i was below 11, which is odd... then i'd just tap to that. Idk weird...
I also love to pop pimples. But i'm weird about who's pimples other than my own that i will pop. Will with my brother, or best friend, or SO... although he doesn't let me! lol... but can't do my moms. Idk why just grosses me out.
Sometimes I get in horribly weird rituals and moods where i also have to match whatever I do on one side of my body with the other side... like chewing, tapping, whatever it is until i feel it's even...
Sooo basically what we're all saying is that each of us has a little bit of OCD in us... just some are worse than others and seek medical attention for it. I'm not gonna soon as I get my insurance back up and running... I'm going to the doc to see about this hair pulling crap I do.... It's ruining my hair, and I've tried to stop myself (wearing a rubber band on my hand and slapping myself with it, biting my nails more than i already do until they bleed, etc) but nothing I've tried myself works. I cannot and will not stop. I want to though.... so maybe medical prof's can help. IDK maybe I'm trying to take the easy way
My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am i doing right?
-Charles M. Schulz