Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I'll explain it as I understand. An income tax means that the people work for the government when, in fact, the government works for the people. The government can't take a portion of our pay simple because it believes it can, as it doesn't 'own' anything 'we' work for.
It makes sense to me.
It may sense to you, but the income tax is still not unconstitutional, as RP claims.
I wouldn't put too much stock in the 'scientific' polls, as they are done solely by land line phone. Most people-- Well, I'll just speak for myself here-- Almost use cell/internet phones exclusively. Still, just look at the internet polls. While they might not be 'scientific', they seem to indicate that the Ron Paul has garnered an absolutely HUGE following. I hate to use Wikipedia as a source, but I'll make an exception in this case.
Just go to YouTube and type in 'Ron Paul'. You get about 40K returns. That's more than any other presidential candidate by a mile. I tend to believe that people are genuinely interested in Ron Paul and, besides what the biased media has to say, I think he has a real shot at winning the GOP.
You dont put stock in scientific polls (I agree with you about landlines), but you put stock in online polls and You Tube clicks?
Care to guess how much money is wasted on programs such as "Art Behind Bars"?
Not nearly as much as the $1/2 trillion for the Iraq invasion/occupation. The one issue where I agree with RP>