Originally Posted by pan6467
Josh, Kucinich has a good platform, has always been true to his beliefs and never sold out.... but as one from North Central Ohio who has seen him and remembers him as mayor of Cleveland, he trusts the wrong people. He isn't corrupt but he is so gullible that he surrounds himself with very bad people.
Pan, that is an interesting thing to consider. I am not from Ohio, so perhaps I am not as intimately aware of this issue, but I don't doubt it per se.
I think however what is most important is to show that a person who stands up and stands strong upon good principles can be supported, if anything, to give more backbone to others who might be better leaders in the areas where Kucinich lacks, such as knowing how to select good people to work with. For example, I like Edwards, and I think that he really does believe in good principles, but he has at times allowed himself to be convinced that he had to hedge towards corporatism and what the media was saying instead of sticking to his principles. I'd like a person like that to be able to have more confidence that standing firm on the right thing doesn't mean that we the people are going to bolt from supporting him.
I guess what I'm saying is that conviction of principles is what I find most lacking amongst many of the Democratic leaders. So while Dennis himself may not be the right individual to be at the head for some reasons, I still think it is important to show the Democratic Party that conviction of principle is important and that the rest of the leadership not only can, but must show such conviction to successfully lead the Democratic Party in its role as a tool of the people. I want to show Democratic leaders that Democratic voters not only will, but are eager to support such conviction, through a strong showing by Kucinich and other candidates of similar conviction. The Obamas and Edwardses of the party I have every faith WANT to do the right thing; it is up to us as voters to demonstrate will support them when they do so. The corporate media is bombarding them daily with the message that we won't.