I have been truly thinking the last few months about why I am a Democrat when my party has decided to forget and go against everything I joined them for.
When I joined the Democratic Party they were the party for equal rights and making sure even the poorest had a voice. They were the "truly caring party", they had plans to better the nation.
But anymore that is all bullshit.
When areas property tax people in retirement beyond their means and they have to sell their paid for houses because they cannot afford to pay the taxes.... something is wrong with my party. Where is giving the poor the voice? Protecting the people?????
When the Democrats are selling their souls to special interests and selling rights out, where is the protection they promised?
When the Democrats spend more time hating the Republicans and crying about what BushCo has been doing, where are the solutions to help build, where is the optimism?
When the Democrats ignore the workers rights and sell the workers out by allowing unions to be destroyed, where did the party for the protection of the working man go?
When the Democrats sell out education and do nothing to help fund it, where did the "everyone deserves the best education available regardless of cost", go?
Instead of pointing fingers and name calling where are the solutions and the voices that speak out and have plans, goals, ideas that truly inspire..... they won Congress what the fuck have they done though???????
The party I loved, the people I believed in, the ideals and beliefs I would fight for..... no longer are cared for, no longer are believed in, no longer exist in the Democratic Party.
The party I love has sold communities out, tax abatements to draw businesses that pay workers shit wages will no, not never help the community. What they do is force the citizen, the worker making those shit wages to pay more in taxes to pay for the "abatements". They force the community to raise property taxes so that the retired cannot afford to live in their paid for home.
It is for the above reasons I announce today my free agency in political partisanship.
The party that wants me, must show me they will come back to these beliefs.
That they won't tax the retired workers and poor out of their homes, thath they won't point fingers and spew hatred but instead will have positive inspiring ideals to better the nation, They don't have to agree on my views they just need to show me they have a true plan that will help all, not just special interests, certain minorities, etc. but help EVERYONE.
I want the party I loved and believed in back.
Now, I don't want to hear how the GOP does the same thing, I know that, that was why I didn't join the GOP....... but if the gop does the same thing and they haven't changed...... then that means the Dems had to change.