I would move out and cut off all contact with your parents until THEY grow up and see you as a person, not an infant. That could take months, years... but it won't happen until you stand up to them and make your own decision against them. If you wait for them to come around... no, it's never going to happen, and you will continue to be miserable.
I don't know how the logistics of that would work out... but can you ask someone for a loan so you can get an apartment or room within walking/bus distance to a workplace (hell, even if you have to work at Starbucks or McDonald's for a short term, at least you'd be on your own)? A sympathetic relative or friend?
Then DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE, get out of there, find a short-term job/apartment until you get on your feet... eat ramen noodles and cereal every day if you have to (hey, I still do that, in grad school!)... and if your parents don't like it? That is THEIR problem. It really is. You will learn all those skills that they have denied you, as soon as you get our on your own and start living. Your parents can go to hell in the meantime. I know that sounds harsh, but seriously... I had/still have an overprotective mother too, and at some point you JUST have to get in their face and piss them off, and let them ignore you until they get over it. It's their responsibility to deal with their own reaction to your decision, not yours.
Your job, your ONLY responsibility, is to take care of your own well-being and life course. If your parents are hurting you (and clearly, they are)... then that's not taking care of you, and borders on emotional abuse. You need to move away from them, and let them freak out and go apeshit and all the rest... and just walk away. Seize your life and make something of it; don't let them push you to hate yourself and being alive. You deserve much more than that.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran