Originally Posted by kurty[B]
I believe the Tour de France cyclists are tested immediately after placing in a stage. That's a large number of tests a day during a multi-day competition. If pro football or baseball athletes were tested after every single win we would probably have the same dilemma as cycling is having. People doing everything they can to get that edge. That's why I like futbol where it's more about finess, skill and teamwork than how powerful you are. Although, I'm not saying that soccer does not have any athletes that are probably doping.
I would say that blood doping could be a great benefit to footballers (soccer players) - midfielders and strikers run 10-14 kilometres per game, after all.
I think there is simply too much money tied up in pro team sports - untold billions of dollars. To jeopardize that by instituting real drugs testing is something that I don't think football/soccer/baseball/etc is likely to do anytime soon.
Originally Posted by willravel
If you've ever met Lance Armstrong, you know what a true athlete is. Anyone who says otherwise probably doesn't know him or even of him.
I don't think I'd put anyone in such a pedestal, Will. As with most cyclists, there were certainly enough rumours going on about Armstrong over the years.
Not saying he did or did not use drugs, but given the spectre that hangs over the whole sport, I don't think you can say definitively.