Originally Posted by willravel
I dated this gorgeous filipino in high school and we got really serious. I had to move and after a while things started to break down. Neeways, cut to a few months later and I get the dear john call. She was starting to give into temptation and wanted to do the right thing. In retrospect, she did the right thing. Funny thing is, since then she's cut almost all ties to her friends that aren't filipino. It should bother me, but I can't help but feel like I was being dated because the color of my skin was interesting.
Now you know how minorities feel. This happens to us all the time. It's good that you were able to "walk a mile in another man's shoes" as it were.
Also, just because she cut ties with all her non-Filipino friends does not necessarily mean that she was dating you just because you were a novelty or token white dude. She may have been generally interested with you at the time. Don't forget however, you guys were in high school. That's a typical age of exploration. Naturally as people mature, they develop interest in exploring their own roots. Maybe she outgrew you and discovered that you guys don't really have anything in common, especially culturally. If rediscovering her roots was important to her, then naturally you would drift apart unless you decided to take an active interest in her culture (and most of the time, white dudes don't give a shit about minority culture other than for the exoticism or novelty - not saying you by the way, but in general).