I don't believe the government has the right to outlaw euthanasia. Euthanasia is legal in much of the world. However, I don't think the US government has what it takes to it. As long as politicians pander to vocal special interest groups that feel it their duty to legislate everyone else's behavior, it will always be illegal. In Gallup Polls 60% of Americans were in favor of it, but only Oregon has been progressive enough to legalize it. All I know is, if I ever get terminally ill, I plan on moving to Oregon.
Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
THIS statement is what worries me that you are a counselor. Suicide should NEVER be an answer.
And when I think of euthanasia, it do think of terminally ill people. Not someone that is depressed because they lost their job. I don't want to belittle losing your job and your house. It's pretty depressing. But going through hard times and dying in a really horrible lingering way are not the same thing. Faith in miracles and the burning fire of hell is fine. But, that is between you and your higher power. It is not between you and another person you don't know. And committing suicide when you have kids is a pretty despicable thing to do. Suicide is technically illegal, though I don't know why. Charging someone that is that depressed with a crime isn't going to help their problems any.