Originally Posted by Sultana
I think taste in porn is like taste in books--you don't just walk into the library and grab the closest five books and expect them to be great for you, right? Porn is the same way. Gotta do a little research to find what works best for you, and where to find it.
Eventually you will likely find good sources right here on TFP. 
Agreed. And some of what you like might depend on your mood. Sometimes I like to see two chicks going at it, sometimes heterosexual stuff, sometimes blow job porn. It's funny--some porn things guys in my life take issue with, like really rough blow job porn where the chick is gagging, are things I really like sometimes. I am generally turned on by people being dominated, regardless of sex, so sometimes that throat gagger porn just hits the spot. I also really love big black guys with tiny white girls sometimes, where the girl is just getting reamed by a huge cock (like Lex Steele and Silvia Saint in "The Academy"). Again, domination being the theme.
You'll find out what you like eventually...it might take watching a lot of different kinds of porn first, though.