Moving past the current discussion for a moment
Spoiler: Its no secret that I am and always have been a HUGE Severus fan, and I declared quite loudly before the book that if he died I was going to be really pissed, and if he DID die I wanted it to be in some grand way as to show Harry he wasnt the bad guy. Well....having read it now I can honestly say I see that would have been an awful way to do it, the way she did it was SO much better. For Voldy to kill him because of the wand, to me stayed true to the way Voldy had been portrayed. Harry would never have listened to Snape if he'd tried to explain to him what all had gone on, so using the memories was a fantastic way to handle this AND it showed us that Lily and Severus did indeed have a bond long before "school".
It made me so so sad to learn that Snape's worst memory in actuality was calling Lily Mudblood and the image of him camping out in her hall to be able to talk to her just broke my heart.
When he lay dying in the Shrieking Shack and says to Harry "" do you think he was wanting to look at Harry's eyes because they were the same as Lily's or do you think that he, for once, wanted Harry to look at him and see HIM
So what do you think about the way they handled Snape's death?
Spoiler: Another thing, is it just me or is Voldy just beyond stupid? I would think that someone that everyone feared so much, who was supposed to have so much power would have brains too. Or are we supposed to realize that he was so one track minded all his smarts went out the floo network!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
Last edited by ShaniFaye; 07-24-2007 at 03:46 AM..