Originally Posted by Kpax
I've recently taken up smoking, due to peer influence (though I'm 25).
What is the difference between a menthol and something else? I bought a pack of menthols and they seem to burn up way faster than a regular cigarette. They also fill the room with billowy, thick smoke like no other, seemingly.
I was also wondering what specific effect smoking is supposed to bring. Is it like alcohol?
I coulda sworn that after smoking 5 in a chain I felt different. I'm like able to talk to people openly, yet my patience seems reduced (like today at work until break).
Congratulations on making the stupidest decision of your life.
You claim that's it's due to peer influence, yet you also claim to be 25. There'sa huge logical gap there.
I see that other posters have quite rightly castigated you, so I will jsut say this: you have made a decision which will truly affect all aspects of your life. People will deliberately avoid you and shun you, and rightly so. Your sense of smell and taste will be affected/damaged, which is a big one because everything in your life will now smell like cooked shit. You, your clothes, your apartment/house/dwelling, your car, EVERYTHING.
Again, a hearty congrats on deliberately choosing to shorten your life span by 15 years.