It's true what earlier posts said, attractiveness is too broad a spectrum for there to be facts about individuals. I used to be a bit like you in the sense I was a fact person and wanted to know from curiosity what my face was. I tried to think of ways to document my face by inevitably had to give up.
For instance, women can find certain men attractive just based on their estrous period from month to month. Certain times they're likely to be more attracted to finer/thiner/more feminine facial features vs thicker/more masculine features.
Another major problem in figuring out what you are for a "fact" are the photographs used to document it, lighting, photogenic(itivy?), angle, etc.
And of course people rarely tell the full absolute truth. Some may be harsher or kinder.
Even people who are considered attractive by so many still vary wildly between each person. Maybe there average score is a 9 but their range could be from 4-10 easily.
Popularity can also enter into it, just how much a person likes you, etc.
Short of being in a psychology attractiveness study (there are such things, I studied one for a paper) where thousands of people rate your picture you'll never be able to reliably find out. And even then theres the photography variable.
Best to just "find your appropriate audience" so to speak, like someone said earlier and be happy.
This post has made me curious what type of features I have though, like what's the Icelandic cheeks a previous poster mentioned?